HeadNav: 3D Navigation System For Blind Using Arduino based Ultrasonic Sensor SR 04
So, I started the idea with expanding the concept of navigation sticks. Navigation sticks are an existing technology which has been proposed with many ideas of "ENHANCEMENT" to increase its effectiveness to the user with interfaces and sensors. But Navigation Sticks having limiting capabilities of sensing a small region and lack promptness to use and lack implementation.
I questioned the idea of navigation systems, and rethought a new perspective to address the issue. Navigation systems needn't be assisting tools to help the person, but could be artificial vision or assisting technology that mimics vision with sensory regions of the brain, with using existing simple hardware technology.
I started the idea of inputting information through a camera and employing computer vision algorithms or machine Learning, but thrashed the idea because the system would be not soo fast. An Navigation System Needs to be very fast and provide zero lag, which increases reaction time for the user, allowing him more time to take decision on input and react.
I changed the perspective hardware, but the idea of creating the 3d sensing remained. The HeadNav consists of a crown Based headBand, which consists of 4 Ultrasonic sensor placed of the structure of forehead, that are on 4 different angles, and sensor senses a region, and all contribute to create a 180 degree space information to detect objects around them.
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